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The State University of Management to prepare online courses on digital economy competencies

As part of the national Digital Economy project, the State University of Management (SUM) will develop a number of unique educational courses on artificial intelligence technologies, big data analytics and other disciplines. As announced to TASS by SUM’s Press Service on Tuesday, Russians will be able to acquire the required competences free of charge via the Digital Volunteers platform.

The development of quantum and neurotechnologies, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other disciplines is envisaged within seven road maps for the development of cross-cutting technologies within the national Digital Economy project. The implementation of the national project requires not only new technological solutions but also the training of personnel, the creation of a technological culture in society, including through educational programmes and courses that are available to all interested parties. Specialists of the UNESCO Chair ‘Societal, Legal and Ethical Frameworking of Knowledge Societies’ of SUM have developed an open educational platform, Digital Volunteers, which will deliver accessible courses and modules on cross-cutting technologies within the national Digital Economy project.

The platform content will be partially created by university teachers. The courses will feature video and text materials on the latest financial technologies (blockchain), big data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence development. Competencies in these areas are in demand for specialists in various fields that will be affected by digitalisation. The content will be useful for civil servants, entrepreneurs, economists, engineers, IT specialists, managers of all levels, urbanists and a wide range of people interested in global changes taking place today in all spheres of people’s lives,

according to the press service.

The Digital Volunteers platform will feature not only SUM’s content but also materials from other universities as well as research, statistics and media publications with an open license permitting the use of video and texts for non-commercial purposes. Developers also plan to implement algorithms enabling the user to make selections of content on a particular topic.

Digital Volunteers

The Digital Volunteers open educational platform that was launched at SUM in January 2019 is a project of the UNESCO Chair ‘Societal, Legal and Ethical Frameworking of Knowledge Societies’. It aims to achieve the goals of UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy for 2014–2021, including the strengthening of science, technology and innovation systems and policies at national, regional and global levels.

The idea of digital volunteering is that volunteers help everyone, including people with limited access to higher education, obtain relevant knowledge through online platforms with constantly updated content. One of these platforms will be launched at SUM,

Denis Skripin, a student of the UNESCO Chair ‘Societal, Legal and Ethical Frameworking of Knowledge Societies’ told TASS.

During the first stage, the platform developers plan to test it with the help of SUM students. In the future, it will be available to users from any country, as the content will be published in Russian and English. In addition, developers plan to constantly improve the internet aggregator to adapt it to the needs of several categories of users, including schoolchildren, students, professionals and people of pre-retirement age. In the future, it will be possible to group content on the website to create personal development programmes in the desired discipline.

The Digital Volunteers platform will be launched at the Third International Scientific Forum Stepping into the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy to be held in Moscow on 9–10 December under the umbrella of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. This event is part of the SUM centenary celebration programme.

For more information on national projects, please visit the Future of Russia. National Projects portal.


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