Ivan Lobanov, ‘Digitalisation of economic and production processes as a key driver for competitiveness in domestic and international markets’
Infrastructure of the New Economy. Digital Industry Map
Expert opinion of the State University of Management Rector Ivan Lobanov as told to RBC.
‘The digitisation of economic and production processes is becoming a key driver for competitiveness in domestic and international markets. The exchange of experience in the digitalisation of production between companies and regions is an urgent issue today.
Therefore, as part of the 3rd International Scientific Forum Stepping into the Future, the State University of Management signed strategic agreements with Delovaya Rossiya and the Association for Development of Clusters and Technoparks of Russia. These agreements ensure maximum contact with industrial partners and involvement of the real economy in the educational process, which is our priority.
We are particularly interested in organisations such as Business Russia, with which we have signed an agreement on cooperation and joint projects. We need to realise the potential of this interaction at the State University of Management through internships of teachers, practical work with students and the determination of realistic topics for students’ final exam papers.
Specialists who graduate from higher education institutions should be in demand from employers with the knowledge and skills that universities have provided them with. We often hear complaints from our industry partners that university graduates require further retraining or teaching additional skills for them to be able to join the production process. It is crucial that every university, including the State University of Management, provides graduates with maximum competencies. This task is ambitious and very relevant for today’s Russian education. We are actively pursuing this path.
As for the agreement with a public organisation that deals with industrial clusters and technology parks, this is also one of our areas of work. Jointly with the association, we analyse and provide ratings of the subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of investment attractiveness, creation of technoparks and industrial clusters. This is valuable expert work that we have been doing for almost two years now’.
Photo album of the business session: Infrastructure of the New Economy. Digital Industry Map