Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/SUM has approved the schedule for the elections for student self-governance
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SUM has approved the schedule for the elections for student self-governance

The State University of Management has approved the schedule for the elections for the student self-governance The students will elect members and chairman of the student council as well as heads of areas.

This year’s elections will be held for student councils of three institutes at the same time: Institute of Information Systems, Institute of Economics and Finance and Institute of State Management and Law.

Schedule for the elections for the student self-governance of institutes (student council, chairman of the student council, area leaders)

Approved by the meeting of the Management Board of the SUM Student Council

28 February 2020

5 March

Establishment of the election commission

·         Formation of the commission structure

·         Determination of the election commission headquarters

11 March

Start of the election campaign

·         Acceptance of applications from training groups at the election commission’s headquarters

·         Acceptance of projects from candidates for the position of Chairman of the Student Council (the Institute Student Self-Governance Development Programme)

18 March

Elections in training groups

25 March

·         General meeting of the student council (new composition), election of the Chairman of the student council

·         Election of the vice chairman (upon recommendation of the chairman)

·         Approval of area leaders

30 March

Official announcement of election results


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