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The Director of the Institute for Human Resources Management, Social and Business Communications in an interview on MediaMetrics radio

On 2 March 2020, Aleksey Chudnovskiy, Director of the Institute for Human Resources Management, Social and Business Communications, gave an interview on Radio MediaMetrics in the Intellectual Capital programme.

The broadcast was dedicated to the issue of inter-university exchange or ways to avoid intellectual capital going abroad.  Issues regarding student academic mobility were also touched upon:

  • – What exchange programmes exist?
  • – How and why do foreign universities invite Russian lecturers and what knowledge should a lecturer possess?
  • – What do students go to study abroad? Why, what are the challenges, and what is the result?
  • – Who comes to study in Russia?

The full broadcast can be found on the MediaMetrics website by clicking the link.

Background information:

Aleksey Chudnovskiy is a Doctor of Science, Professor, Director of the Institute of Personnel Management, Social and Business Communications of the State University of Management, winner of the All-Russian competition ‘Golden Names of the Higher School’. Yuliya Belozerova is a Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Chair of the League of Teachers of the Higher School.


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