Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/University-wide conference of student self-governance
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University-wide conference of student self-governance

The university-wide conference adopted Regulations on the Student Council of SUM and Regulations on Activities of Curators among Students.

On 28 February a university-wide conference was held at the initiative of the SUM Student Council. Delegates were elected from representatives of student groups of all university institutes. The discussion included the approval of Regulations on the SUM Student Council and the Regulations on the Activities of Curators among Students.  570 delegates applied for the conference. 395 delegates registered, thereby ensuring the conference’s  quorum.

There were 342 votes in favour, 14 against and 39 abstentions. The Statute of the Student Council was adopted with the following amendment:  Item 3.4.4 ‘A student who has participated in the activities of the Student Council of the Institute for at least one semester and has no academic debts may be elected Chairman of the Student Council of the Institute’. The Regulations on the Activities of Curators among Students were adopted without amendments.

The need to adopt and develop new Regulations is due to a request from the Student Council to update the old Regulations that were approved in 2012. The document of the Regulations has been prepared by both student activists and professional lawyers. The articles of the Regulations were preliminary discussed in the Student Councils of Institutes.

At the opening of the conference, Valeriya Megribanova, Chair of the Student Council, noted that the development of documents, discussion and voting are what constitutes student self-governance, which assumes responsibility for the legitimacy and future of the Student Councils and, thus, student self-governance itself.

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