Официальный сайт ГУУ/News/28 March Online Doors Open Day
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на сайт 28 марта e1584450333882

28 March Online Doors Open Day

To help prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection, the State University of Management had decided to hold an online format of Open Doors Day on the university’s Master’s programmes.

On 28 March 2020 at 11.00 AM Moscow time, Vice-Rector Alexander Troitsky; Admissions and Student Mobility and Employment Director Alexey Nikulin and departments and institutes representatives will be broadcasting live on the SUM website.

This webinar is set to cover the following topics:

  • admission to the Master’s programmes;
  • the number of scholarships;
  • deadline for submitting documents;
  • university departments and institutes Master’s programmes.

The webinar will include a Q&A session on the university’s website.

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