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Art space for my country

Students of the State University of Management are taking a prominent part in the project activities. Individual and team projects are prepared in class and later submitted as entries in national and international competitions.

This year, a team of students from the SUM’s Institute of Marketing has prepared a project titled ‘Art Space of the New Generation SPECTRUM‘ for the All-Russian Сompetition ‘My Country – My Russia’, which consists of youth educational projects aimed at social and economic development of Russian territories.  The activity aims to draw public attention to current career guidance and employment issues related to young people with disabilities in a bid to help them secure employment in creative industries. The social and public impact of the project is achieved through the involvement of young people with disabilities in creative activities and thus providing unique opportunities for them to seamlessly integrate into public life by mastering the now-popular professions in the digital domain.

The project is aimed at:

  • drawing public attention to the pressing issues associated with the employment of young people with disabilities;
  • creating a platform to help young people with disabilities utilise their knowledge and skills;
  • raising the general public’s awareness of the work and creativity of young people with disabilities;
  • laying the groundwork to thwart negative connotations directed towards this segment of youth;
  • organising social elevators and developing horizontal mentorships.

At this point, the organisation of the project is underway.  We are stepping up our social media profiles and seeking both volunteers and partners.   The first art space launch is planned for Novomoskovsk in the Tula Region.  However, it is possible to scale up the project to other Russian regions as well.

Since SPECTRUM is a complex and it involves working with young people with disabilities, the team must thoroughly think through all the organisational issues and take into account many underlying factors.  As of 2017, our university runs RUMC, a teacher resource centre for training those with disabilities. Students are coached on the specifics of organising work with this target group.  ‘We are proud to say that the key stages of the project are based on the results of a study to identify the needs of young people with disabilities in the Tula Region. The study was conducted by the students themselves and identified the need to create a space in the region where young people with disabilities will be consulted, trained and afforded future opportunities to present their creative work,’

said Aleksandra Timokhovich, project manager and associate professor at SUM’s Advertising and Public Relations Department.

The project was prepared by Olga Nikuradze and Anastasia Protkina, sophomore students of the Advertising and Public Relations Department. The remote participation stage of the contest is being held presently, where applications from all over Russia are being collected and shortlisted. We are proud of the work done by our students, and wish the team great success in the contest ‘My Country – My Russia!’

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