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Announcement of SUM’s Tochka Kipeniya online activities

On 24 March the SUM’s Tochka Kipeniya together with colleagues from all over Russia took part in a webinar: ‘Working with Communities and Events in the Context of Isolation: Online Formats and Tools’. The webinar was focused on sharing best practices in bringing off-line events online.

Starting from 27 March SUM’s Tochka Kipeniya will share useful tips for remote working via its Instagram and VKontakte accounts:

– Useful apps for learning and work

– Motivational films to boost your mood

– Websites for planning and structuring your work and much more

On 29 March at 2.00 pm the webinar ‘Organising Project Activities of Students in a Distance Learning Context’ will be held. Speaking at the webinar will be Anastasiya Lobacheva, Senior Lecturer at SUM. To access the webinar, please register here.

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