Официальный сайт ГУУ/News/Are you prepared to respond to COVID-19?
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Are you prepared to respond to COVID-19?

Dear colleagues and students!

To help take care of you and your loved ones, the management of the State University of Management offers you to take the test, ‘Are you prepared to respond to COVID-19?’

The test fulfils two tasks: it helps assess your awareness of virus safety and gives you advice on how to improve your resistance to the virus. Check how ready you actually are for a pandemic.

The test has been prepared with the expert support of R V Polibin, a leading epidemiologist, Deputy Director for Scientific Work at the Institute of Public Health of the Sechenov University, and is available here.

One of the reasons COVID-19 spreads so fast is a lack of awareness about safe practices during a pandemic.

Test your awareness and look after yourself!

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 24.03.2020