Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/The election campaign for the student councils of SUM institutes was held on the Polys online platform
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The election campaign for the student councils of SUM institutes was held on the Polys online platform

Self-isolation and quarantine today is the social duty of each of us.  SUM student self-government also moved to an online platform to conduct an election campaign for student councils of IIS, ISML and IEF.

On 25 March elections for the chairmen of student councils were held at three institutions: the Institute of Economics and Finance, the Institute of State Management and Law and the Institute of Information Systems. The election headquarters, set up during the election campaign, together with the staff of the Youth Policy and Education Department of SUM held the elections on the Polys online voting platform.

Before students elected the leaders, the candidates presented their individual programmes for the development of their institutes. Students used social networks to watch live broadcasts from the candidates, asked them questions and suggested their own ideas. In addition, special communities were created in VK, where everyone could see the personal portfolio of future student managers. 

As a result of the elections to the IEF Student Council, Nikita Ivanov received exactly 50% of the votes, which allowed him to beat his closest rival Olga Korableva by 6% of the total number of votes.

Maxim Ivanov, a 2nd-year student of the State and Municipal Management programme, was elected Chairman of the ISML Student Council. He won by 5 votes (2.8% of the total number of votes), and his competitor Ilya Zgozhev joined the new Board of the ISML Student Council as Deputy Chairman of the Student Council. 

IIS Student Council elected Alina Polonskaya, a 2nd-year student of Business Informatics, to the post of Chairman of the Student Council. Alina is a bright, responsible and active student. Previously, she was deputy chairman of the IIS Student Council, but today, having secured the support of her voters and having collected 94.7% of the total number of votes, she is ready to pursue a new course in the development of student self-government, keeping in mind, of course, the great old traditions and experiences. 

The new, online elections were held with an average participation of 97.46% of the total number of registered voters. We wish the chairmen-elect successful and productive work for the benefit of their team, their Institute and SUM!

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