Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/Apply for the New Season of the SUM Project Office Accelerator
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Apply for the New Season of the SUM Project Office Accelerator

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has tasked higher education institutions to develop student professional competencies through project activities and allows them to submit theses and qualification papers in the form of a start-up or a socially significant project.
The State University of Management gives priority to students’ project activities.

In this regard, SUM DEHT PL has come up with the long-awaited initiative to establish the University Accelerator.  Due to the current situation in Moscow and our university, SUM DEHT PL reports that the selection of projects in the Accelerator will be held online until 10 April.

We are committed to providing students with knowledge of the latest market trends, different technologies, how ideas appear and how to use them, how a start-up is different from a corporation that works well but slowly. On the one hand, start-ups also operate in conditions of uncertainty. Yet, this uncertainty is a success factor.
Please note! Applications are accepted until 25 April. You can submit an application for the Accelerator on the main page of the Accelerator on the SUM website or here. The Accelerator will work for 5 months.

Hurry up! The experience and knowledge that you will get from the Accelerator is the starting capital for you to embark on your journey. If you’ve chosen your path, take it. The products and ideas that you will create here may become your future business. Remember, the only limits are in your head.

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