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SUM’s Online Events in April

During the distance working period, the State University of Management invites everyone to take part in its online events in April.

The State University of Management is holding conferences, scientific workshops, round tables and competitions in an online format. A new Online Events section will be added to SUM’s official website in the near future. Visitors to this section can learn about upcoming events, sign up for them and solve any technical issues related to the organisation of online events.

Those interested can now register for the first online event to be held on 7 April: the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Pressing Issues in Accounting, Analysis, Control and Taxation’. The conference will feature discussions, exchanges of views and opinions between experts, scientists, practitioners, bachelors, masters and postgraduate students on the following topics:

  • business analysis as an essential tool for increasing the efficiency of economic entities’ performance in digital and analogue economies
  • the development of financial accounting as well as the practice and prospects of applying IFRS in Russia and worldwide: time challenges and drivers of change
  • management accounting and analysis and their role in the management of digital and analogue economies
  • innovative control and auditing technologies: processes and documentation in accordance with international auditing standards in a digital economy
  • taxation and tax administration improving the efficiency of tax control in a digitalised economy
  • applied aspects of organising foreign economic activity controlling foreign economic activity during economic digitalisation.

To apply to attend the conference, please follow the link.

Please see the schedule of upcoming online events for more information. Join in, learn and get inspired with SUM’s leading experts.

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 6.04.2020