Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/#Решаем2020: The National League of Student Clubs To Introduce Young People to the Amendments to the Constitution
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#Решаем2020: The National League of Student Clubs To Introduce Young People to the Amendments to the Constitution

On 3 April Moscow will host the third webinar for young students as part of the All-Russian Civil Youth Campaign, #Решаем2020.  The webinars will be held for all federal districts in the country.

The National League of Student Clubs has initiated the #Решаем2020 campaign after numerous requests from youth associations to the NLSC mobile application to clarify and inform the country’s students about proposed amendments to the Russian Constitution.

The speakers of the All-Russian Civil Youth Campaign #Решаем2020 are members of the expert community and professional coaches who have completed a two-day preliminary training. One of the training experts is Andrey Klishas, a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building and Co-Chairman of the Working Group on Drafting Proposals for Amendments to the Russian Constitution. He briefed the future speakers on the previous stages of constitutional reforms, the procedure for making amendments, the respective regulations, voting procedure and other necessary details. 

During the webinar the speakers will tell students about the reasons for amending the Russian Constitution, the articles that will be amended and how they will affect the state and its development. Young people will also learn about the process of national voting, regulatory documents that govern these processes, will touch upon the most debated issues among young people and much more.

The webinar for young people of the capital and the North-Western Federal District will be held on 3 April, beginning at 3pm (Moscow time). Link to the webinar room.

Contacts for media:

Anastasiya Potochkina, mass media coordinator of the #Решаем2020 campaign, +7 (926) 278-32-93.


Responsible for student youth

8 (495) 123-33-44

– 7602 Darya Kapitan 

– 7601 Artem Kharchenko – 7515 Anna Shelepen 


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