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International Research-to-Practice Conference of Young Scientists


In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and its specialised agency UNESCO

UNESCO Chair ‘Societal, Legal and Ethical Frameworking of Knowledge Societies’

Higher Business School

The State University of Management

The conference will be held on 16 April 2020
(99 Ryazanskiy Prospekt, Building 16)


Undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students and young scientists (under 35 years old) are invited to participate. Conference languages: Russian and English

In line with UNESCO SDG 4, the conference aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for everyone to transform our world, create conditions for building a Smart Society and propose projects and programmes to overcome information and gender disparities in access to information and knowledge.

Plenary session: Intelligent Technology: Shared Progress or Elitisation of Society?

Workshop 1. Information society: education, ethics, law

As new communicative areas of activity emerge, society needs to rethink its moral and ethical standards. Universal unhindered access to information, mutual respect and observance of human rights, countering cybercrime and building a just and multicultural information society remain key issues. Ethical and legal aspects of the information society are a priority for UNESCO.

Workshop 2. Digital wave: truth and post-truth

Globalisation of the economy, technological development of mass media and active use of social networks contribute to the transition of society to a new information state. The vast information flows generated by the digital society are characterised by a low percentage of true statements and facts. The blurring of boundaries between fiction and truth, falsification of data, pretentious interpretation of historical events give rise to the phenomenon of post-truth.

Workshop 3. Smart Nations: industrialisation, innovation and infrastructure

The concept of Smart Nations, a balanced framework for the management of transnational social and economic systems, requires the creation of new infrastructure for innovation in the modern industrial environment. Infrastructural changes in social and economic systems lead to an improvement in the quality of life through the introduction and creation of environmentally friendly and energy-saving businesses.

Workshop 4. One half: gender equality, access to education for girls and women

A prerequisite for social progress and sustainable development of society is gender equality and providing women with the same opportunities as men to exercise the fundamental rights and freedoms embodied in the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Gender equality in access to education for girls and women involves significant shifts in the employment structure in the digital economy and greatly expands the opportunities offered to women, international organisations and associations.

The conference materials will be published in a collection of scientific articles and posted at the Russian Science Citation Index.

To participate in the conference:

  1. Register on Leader-ID.ru portal and record your participation in the conference (until 20 March 2020).
  2. Email your article to the organising committee for inclusion in the collection of articles at unesco@guu.ru (until 10 April 2020).

Requirements for articles:

Language: Russian or English, length of the article: at least 2 pages

Font type Arial, font size 12, line spacing single

Page settings: left field 2.0 cm, right field 2.0 cm,
upper field 2.0 cm, lower field 2.0 cm

Indentation at the beginning of the paragraph 1.27 cm, with the paragraphs clearly marked

The text of the article is accompanied by page footnotes. The bibliography is given at the end of the article (alphabetically). Information about the author (full name, place of study/work, email, contact phone number) must be provided.

It is recommended to use the template file Template.docx with preset indents, font sizes etc attached to this information letter when writing the thesis.

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