Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/SUM defines its course within the framework of the state youth policy
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SUM defines its course within the framework of the state youth policy

A workshop meeting for the organisers of educational work with students of Russian universities has successfully finished. The SUM Youth Policy and Educational Department represented the State University of Management at the workshop.

The event was held on 24 March as a webinar hosted by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) and the Youth Resource Centre (YRC) and was aimed at university staff responsible for educational work with students, implementation of state youth policy and preparation of technical documentation for the submission of applications and reports under the All-Russian Competition of Youth Projects.

The discussion focused on the role of Russian universities in the implementation of the state youth policy and the development of mechanisms for the community of professionals responsible for educational work with students in Russian universities.

The workshop was opened by the Head of the Federal Agency on Youth Affairs Aleksandr Bugayev. He talked about the general Rosmolodezh programme for 2020, the All-Russian forum campaign within seven forums covering more than one million participants and the #MyVmeste campaign.   

He also shared details of the federal project ‘Social Activity’, which is an infrastructure of volunteer activity and youth initiative. It includes:

  • The National League of Student Clubs (NLSC)
  • Development of the ‘Dialogue on Equal Terms’ discussion student clubs
  • Year-round educational centres Senezh, Mashuk and Tavrida
  • A series of topical and specialised forums
  • Prevention of negative developments
  • Work with young specialists and working youth

The key activities are focused on theme-based events as part of the Year of Memory and Glory in honour of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War. Closing his speech, Aleksandr Bugayev discussed a new departmental award for those engaged in youth policy activities. 

Sergey Stepanov, Advisor to the Head of Rosmolodezh, shared his experience and the opportunities of such projects as the Youth Team of the Country, Rosmolodezh Project Office, All-Russian League of Debates and Digoriya, a forum for young political scientists. He noted that the format of the projects allows them to be adapted for hosting online events, so that work will not be interrupted.

Aleksandr Ilchenko, Assistant Head of Rosmolodezh, spoke about a package of activities regarding inter-ethnic relations.  These include a specific section for the grant contest and a themed event, Russian North Forum of Youth of the Indigenous Peoples of Siberia and the Far East. Mr Ilchenko stressed the importance of developing the Arctic territories and increasing the activity of students from among small indigenous minorities.

Kseniya Zhukova, Head of the department for implementation of the national project of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Education, talked about the plans to implement the National League of Student Clubs project in 2020.  She noted that last year the League transformed from a youth movement into an ecosystem of services for interacting with and supporting student associations.  This year the league will hold a number of meetings with students, the September NLSC All-Russian convention in Kazan and eleven district conventions of the League as well as a series of webinars as part of the All-Russian Civil Youth Campaign #Reshaem2020.

During the second part of the seminar Kirill Litvitskiy, Head of Rosmolodezh’s Regional Cooperation Department, and Darya Kukushkina, Head of Rosmolodezh’s Grant Support Department, spoke in detail about the terms and features of preparing and submitting applications, implementing projects and presenting reports for competitions among individuals and universities as well as for participants in forum campaigns within the 2020 All-Russian Competition of Youth Projects.  Kirill Litvitskiy noted that the federal forum campaign is an opportunity for young people to get advice and recommendations on projects and attract federal investments to the region. It is important for the winning projects that Rosmolodezh helps disseminate information about them in the media.

Grigoriy Gurov, Head of the Department for Youth Projects and Programmes of Rosmolodezh, presented the programme of the 2020 All-Russian Youth Forum Campaign and answered questions regarding the selection procedure and the number of participants as well as the new forum on Sakhalin and the possibility of moving the forums to the federal level.

Aleksandra Tikhomirova, Head of the Information and Analytical Department, described the new features and developments of the Youth of Russia Automated Information System and mobile app.

She demonstrated the key sections of the system for filing applications. Irina Gromova, Deputy Director of the Youth Resource Centre, and Anton Volkov, Head of YRC Department for Work with the Winners of the All-Russian Competition of Youth Projects, provided a detailed analysis of typical mistakes made in applications and reports and also noted key features of concluding agreements and implementing projects.

The workshop concluded with the definition of the course for the development of student initiatives in 2020. The SUM Youth Policy and Education Department has planned a number of events as part of the state youth policy, including participation in all-Russian and international projects, educational workshops, development of university clubs and student initiatives.  

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