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SUM’s Academic Journals Present New Interesting Research

SUM researchers continue their publication work in cooperation with scientists from Russian and foreign higher education institutions. The editorial board of academic journals has collected the most interesting research findings in various areas.

The State University of Management is more than just a major research centre for management, law, sociology and applied information technology in management, it also serves as a solid publication base for a wide range of research papers.

Editorial boards of SUM’s academic journals receive numerous papers that are reviewed, edited and discussed by the University research teams.

In1999 SUM started publishing a monthly academic journal, University Bulletin. The journal is listed by the Russian Higher Attestation Commission in many areas and has a broad portfolio of publications for the year ahead. The authors are scientists from all over Russia and researchers from foreign universities. One in five papers is authored by a foreign colleague. This journal uses double-blind peer review. 

University Bulletin is recognised internationally: it is included in EBSCO, ERICH PLUS, DOAJ, BASE, Dimensions, Ulrich’s periodicals directory, Lens.Org, Google Scholar, Open Air, Research4life, WorldChat and other databases.  In Russia, the journal is indexed by RINC, CyberLeninka, RGB, VINITI RAS, Socionet and Online University Library.  Its digital version is available in the databases of such libraries as the University of Oxford Library Online, the Berkeley University of California Library, the British Library, Jisc Copac.

The March issue features papers by authors from Moscow, Kursk, Saint Petersburg, Gorno-Altaysk, Vladikavkaz and Yekaterinburg.

The members of the editorial board expressed great interest in the paper, ‘Innovative aspects of long-term medical and psychological rehabilitation of elderly patients in outpatient conditions of specialised medical institutions’ by Ye A Leskovets, Head of the Centre for Regenerative Treatment and Rehabilitation RZD-Medicine Clinical Hospital (Yekaterinburg), and A G Lyuta, Leading Psychologist at the Centre.  The paper covers innovative aspects of medical and psychological long-term rehabilitation of elderly people in outpatient conditions at specialised medical institutions as part of the Territory of Welfare programme developed by the authors.

Also of interest is the paper ‘Issues related to trade and economic relations of West African countries with the European Union and prospects of their development’ by Sekongo Nahoua Basile, a postgraduate student of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR, Moscow).

Another talked-about paper, ‘Development of digital sociology in modern-day science’, was presented by L Yu Shurayeva (State University of Management, Moscow). The current issue will be available on the journal’s website shortly.

The Digital Sociology academic journal has been published since the fourth quarter of 2018.  Its editor-in-chief is Doctor of Sociology, Candidate of Philosophy O V  Kryshtanovskaya.

The first quarter issue of 2020 will feature a very interesting paper, ‘Digital sociology and new opportunities for social educational rehabilitation of people with disabilities’ by S Yu Kibakin, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Russian State University of Justice, Moscow), and Ye A Malakhova, Chief Specialist of the Department of Rehabilitation Educational Programmes of the All-Russian Public Organisation for the Education of People with Disabilities. (Moscow).  The authors provided data on the attitudes of people with disabilities to obtaining higher education in the context of their rehabilitation and livelihood and identified social groups with positive, uncertain and negative attitudes with a prevailing positive attitude to the possibility of educational rehabilitation.  This paper is expected to resonate with the scientific community.  This issue will soon appear on the journal’s website.

Digital Sociology has been published at SUM for just 18 months, but it has already been indexed by EBSCO, Ulrich’s periodicals directory, Lens.Org, Google Scholar, RINC, CyberLeninka, Socionet, Online University Library and others.

Since 2018 SUM has been publishing a peer-reviewed academic journal E-Management under the editorship of Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor P V Terelyanskiy.  The current first quarter issue of 2020 is about to be published.

This issue will feature the paper ‘Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence’ by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (NAS KR), Chief Scientist of the Institute of Physics of NAS KR. The paper presents the author’s position on the legal capacity of AI in respect of intellectual property created by autonomous AI systems.  The author’s position is presented in answers to questions of the World Intellectual Property Organisation project in the discussion to be held in 2020 at the World Intellectual Property Organisation headquarters in Geneva.


The paper by Yu B Vorontsova (State University of Management) and Maria Adelaida Gil Martínez (Cervantes Institute, Madrid, Spain) on ‘Impact of intercultural communications on the increase of business profitability in the context of digital technologies’ also appears of great scientific interest. This issue will soon appear on the journal’s website. Although the journal is still very young, it is already indexed by EBSCO, Ulrich’s periodicals directory, Lens.Org, RINC and other academic databases.

The Management journal has been published quarterly since 2013 and is listed by the Russian Higher Attestation Commission in many areas.  The first quarter 2020 issue will feature papers by authors from Moscow, Rybinsk, Saratov, Orenburg, Kursk and Khujand (Tajikistan).

Of particular interest to the editorial board was the paper ‘Types of organisational culture as predictors of corporate social responsibility’ by Zi Gunchao from the South-west State University (Kursk).  The study was aimed at defining the links between organisational culture and corporate social responsibility.

Another noteworthy paper is ‘Specific features and factors affecting the effectiveness of advertising activities and rating of companies in Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan’ by Asror Alizhonovich Urunov (State University of Management) and Malika Khomidkhodzhayevna Kosimova (the Osimi Tajik Technical University, Khujand, Republic of Tajikistan), which analyses the results of a survey of more than 310,000 residents of Sughd Region of the Republic of Tajikistan. This issue will soon appear on the journal’s website.

Management has earned a reputation as an authoritative journal that is indexed in many well-known international databases, including DOAJ, EBSCO, Ulrich’s periodicals directory and others.  An e-version of the journal is also available in such famous libraries as the University of Oxford Library Online, the Berkeley University of California Library, VINITI RAS, University Library Online and others.

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