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Announcement of the First International Lvov Forum – 2020

The First International Lvov Forum – 2020 is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the academician D.S. Lvov (1930–2007). The Forum will be held by the State University of Management on 20–21 October 2020 with support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Scientific Events Contest, project No. 20-010-22058\20).

Forum website: https://www.lvovsky2020.org/

Forum partners:

  • The Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • The New Economic Association, Moscow
  • The Institute of Scientific Communications, Volgograd

The Forum aims to discuss fundamental scientific issues arising from the current state of economic science and the challenges in business practice faced by Russia and the international community:

– shaping a new paradigm of economic science;

– interactions between society, the state, and businesses at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels in light of current challenges;

– the place and role of Russia in the global socio-economic system;

– a development strategy for the Russian social and economic system in the context of a new paradigm of economic science given the current challenges.

The Forum will bring together major Russian scientists, including S. Y. Glazyev, V. M. Polterovich, V. I. Maevsky, G. B. Kleiner, V. E. Dementiev, A. D. Nekipelov, D. E. Sorokin, E. V. Popkova, A. R. Bakhtizin, A. A. Khandruev, R. M. Kachalov, E. V. Balatsky, K. V. Ekimova, and others, as well as foreign scientists such as R. Valenchek (Czech Republic), E. de Preville (France), L. Jacques (Czech Republic), and D. Otisier (France).

The depth of the issues to be discussed at the Forum speaks to its importance in terms of the formation of new areas in modern economic science and the development of existing ones.

Over 50 participants will present their reports at the Forum, with more than 25 of them planning to make presentations based on the results of fundamental research supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

 Works to be published as a result of the Forum include:
a collection of reports by participants (RSCI), as well as
a monograph titled ‘Economic Policy, Social Guidelines, Strategic Decisions’ (Editor: George Kleiner)
as part of the series ‘Studies in Systems, Decision and Control’ (Publishing: Springer). ISSN: 2198-4182, 2198-4190. Indexing: Scopus (Q3).

Join the Forum and send your papers and chapters to the monograph!



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