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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Self-Isolation

Source: www.mos.ru.

We explain whether it is possible to go to Moscow Region, how to find your nearest shop and how to use public transport.

  1. If only a certain number of people are allowed into a shop, how can we make sure crowds don’t gather at the door?

Shops and other retail outlets are responsible for implementing the measures described in the decree of the Mayor of Moscow. They must ensure that the distance can be maintained inside the premises, including by means of special markings, and must also arrange waiting areas so that visitors can maintain social distance while waiting to enter the shop.

  1. Will there be a list of organisations that are allowed to work?

To date, the city has closed entertainment facilities, beauty salons, cafés and restaurants. Only grocery stores, pharmacies, pet shops, delivery services, communication and non-food stores for basic goods operate as usual. Essential city services also remain in operation to support the city.

  1. Will there be any restrictions on using public transport?

Public transport will continue to operate as usual. The decree also does not restrict the movement of personal, service or specialised vehicles.

  1. How do I get a pass? Why do I need a special pass? Where do I go to get one? Who is eligible for and who may be denied a special pass?

Clarifications and the procedure for introducing the special permit regime to control compliance with the self-isolation regime will be provided in a special regulatory act of the Moscow Government to be published on mos.ru.

  1. Can I travel by taxi? Will prices for taxis be regulated in any way? 

Taxi services will continue to operate as usual. The prices for taxis will not be subject to additional regulation.

  1. Do I have to carry my passport?

Citizens of the Russian Federation must carry an identity document. This may be a passport, birth certificate (for persons under 14), seafarer’s passport, diplomatic passport, military identity card, refugee card, military ticket, staff pass (for prosecutors), foreign passport or residence permit.

  1. How do I prove that I live in a specific building? What if I am renting, but I am not registered there (I’m registered in Moscow Region or another region)?

Clarifications and the procedure for introducing the special permit regime to control compliance with the self-isolation regime will be provided in a special regulatory act of the Moscow Government to be published on mos.ru.

  1. When will the quarantine period end?

The high-alert regime was introduced in the city by Sergey Sobyanin on 5 March 2020. Pursuant to the decree of the Mayor of Moscow, the self-isolation regime is introduced for all citizens regardless of their age. It should be observed based on the future development of the coronavirus situation. The days from 30 March to 3 April have been declared non-working days throughout the country to allow most Russians to stay at home.

  1. Can I come to the city?

Yes. You can also leave Moscow.

  1. Do I need to tell anyone if I am going to New Moscow or out of town?

No. No notice is required before the publication of a special regulatory act of the Moscow City Government. The regulatory act will be published on mos.ru.

  1. Can I travel from Moscow to Moscow Region?

Yes. You can also travel back from the region to Moscow.

  1. The restriction of the movement of people in the context of an undeclared emergency/quarantine requires legal grounds. Does Sobyanin have the authority to impose such restrictions?

The high-alert regime introduced by Sergey Sobyanin on 5 March 2020 in the city is envisaged by the Federal Law ‘On Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Man-made Emergency Situations’. The announcement of the high-alert regime allows the city authorities to introduce restrictions and apply response measures necessary to prevent the spread of infection.

  1. I need to take my child to see a doctor at the clinic to assess their condition after treatment (ear infection). Will I be fined?

No, the decree states that medical care constitutes a valid excuse to leave your place of residence.

  1. What is the Smart Control System? How will it work? There is no law on the status of the QR code that has been discussed on the internet.

Clarifications and the procedure for introducing technical systems to control compliance with the self-isolation regime will be provided in a special regulatory act of the Moscow City Government, which will be published on mos.ru.

  1. Can I go out jogging, provided that I do not contact other people and try to keep a distance of at least two metres from them? Can I run around my apartment block alone?

No, you may not. You must now observe the self-isolation regime in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

  1. Will it be possible to go to the sports grounds near my house to exercise?

No. Coronavirus may remain on surfaces, including sports equipment.

  1. How will outpatient clinics be working?

Outpatient clinics will operate as usual.

  1. Can I go outside with my baby in a pram?

To prevent the spread of coronavirus, it is essential to observe the self-isolation regime. Therefore, such walks are temporarily prohibited.

  1. Will the police stop me if I’m going to a doctor’s appointment?

No, the decree states that medical care constitutes a valid excuse to leave your place of residence.

  1. What will elderly Muscovites do if they need to take the subway to an outpatient clinic?

To prevent the spread of coronavirus, it is essential to observe the self-isolation regime, especially for elderly people. In case of illness, you should call a doctor at home without visiting medical institutions.

  1. What about people who have parents in Moscow or in Moscow Region? What about people who are registered with their parents in Moscow but actually live in the near Moscow Region? What about people who work in Moscow but live in Moscow Region?

To prevent the spread of coronavirus, it is essential to observe the self-isolation regime. You may leave your place of residence to go to work if you have to. You can enter and leave the capital. The regime has also been introduced in Moscow Region.

  1. How will unemployment payments be made? Do I have to call the hotline?

No. If you are already registered with the employment office, new payments will be assigned automatically. Regional payments to unemployed persons registered with the Moscow City Employment Service as of 31 March 2020 will be established without having to make a claim.

  1. What about scheduled operations for patients with cancer?

The decision to perform scheduled operations shall be made by your attending physician. Only they can determine whether it is really worth performing a scheduled operation during the increased risk of coronavirus infection.

  1. How will it be determined that a person is on urgent or emergency business (work, medical care, public service centre etc)? How do I prove that I am going to work?

Clarifications and the procedure for introducing restrictions on movements around the city and measures to control compliance with the self-isolation regime will be provided in a separate regulatory act of the Moscow Government to be published on mos.ru.

  1. What is the basis of a fine for quarantine violation? Who will impose it? Where will the money go to?

Clarifications and the procedure for introducing restrictions on movements around the city and measures to control compliance with the self-isolation regime will be provided in a separate regulatory act of the Moscow Government to be published on mos.ru.

  1. What do I do if I am moving (moving to a rented or purchased flat or house)? Will this be a quarantine violation?

Clarifications and the procedure for introducing restrictions on movements around the city and measures to control compliance with the self-isolation regime will be provided in a separate regulatory act of the Moscow Government to be published on mos.ru.

  1. Can I take a taxi to my relatives to buy food or provide other assistance?

No. The travel restrictions regime has been introduced, above other things, to ensure that people have as little contact with each other as possible, even if they are relatives. You can help them order everything they need online.

  1. If I have been unemployed for a long time and register only now, will I claim the same benefit?

Everyone who is already registered with the Moscow City Employment Service as well as those who will be registered during the self-isolation regime or within 30 calendar days from the date of the end of the regime will be able to claim the same benefit.

  1. Does this apply to non-Muscovites?

No, only residents of Moscow are eligible for this unemployment benefit.

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 30.03.2020
Source: www.mos.ru.

We explain whether it is possible to go to Moscow Region, how to find your nearest shop and how to use public transport....

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