Quiz SUM 2.0 Finals on Discord
The online lives of SUM students never cease to amaze – and the number of online platforms for organising events keeps growing.…
The online lives of SUM students never cease to amaze – and the number of online platforms for organising events keeps growing.…
Students of the State University of Management took first and third place at the Student Olympiad on the Basics of HR Management,…
SUM students always stay active, even in self-isolation. In addition to studying, they manage to do sport, take part in tournaments and acquire new skills and knowledge.…
While in self-isolation, many experience emotional stress such as changing the familiar environment, leaving the comfort zone, challenges of motivation and adaptation.…
The State University of Management held a round table ‘Complex Cases of Accounting and Tax Accounting Automation’ for students and professors.…
During the enforced self-isolation, blood donor events are nigh impossible to arrange. Accordingly, the number of volunteers has fallen,…
The State University of Management will host the first STAY HOME online concert performed by the Instrumental Music Club.…
At the State University of Management, a round table discussion was held on the measures to support small and medium-sized businesses under COVID-19 threat.…
When working remotely, support from a psychologist is of great importance. This is why the State University of Management regularly posts information on its Advice from a Psychologist section.…
Spring is the most beautiful time of year and also a good time to think about the environment. Activists from the SUM Institute of Economics and Finance Student Council are organising a special online environmental event called Get Rid of Rubbish.…