Официальный сайт ГУУ/News/Feasibility Assessment of Federal Projects in the national programme “Russia’s Digital Economy: Informational Infrastructure”
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Feasibility Assessment of Federal Projects in the national programme “Russia’s Digital Economy: Informational Infrastructure”

According to the information of the World Economic Forum 2016, Russia holds the second position in the world in terms of mobile communication accessibility, right after Hong Kong and the tenth position in terms of accessibility of broadband communication. Now residents can get real digital services at competitive prices. It confirms the actual efficiency of the Informational Infrastructure project – a part of the funding plan for the “Russia’s Digital Economy” national programme.

Currently, Russia is implementing a number of large-scale digitalisation projects: creation of a single federal information system for procurement, a system of state and municipal services, a unified digital environment for Moscow medical organisations (EMIAS), the Moscow portal Our City and Active Citizen and the project on liquidating digital inequality. The goal of the latter is to provide Internet access for towns and villages with 250 to 500 residents.

The share of households with broadband Internet access is growing every day. According to analytical forecasts, by 2024 it will be between 94–97%. However, the project has been negatively impacted by nearly three-fold cuts in the funding.

Today, platform and ecosystem solutions for digital infrastructure are growing popular around the world. N. Kuznetsov, Doctor of Economics and Head of Analysis and Modelling of Economic Processes and Systems Scientific School, says, “In infrastructure development, we should make an emphasis not so much on the popular technologies of today as on advanced innovative designs. As innovations are always with a heightened degree of risk, we need to pay more attention to the infrastructure projects currently being implemented and efficient support mechanisms for companies that invest in innovative digital infrastructure.”

Cutbacks to programme funding are necessary only following reasonable re-assessment of the feasibility of key factors for existing federal projects.

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