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Free Access to SUM Library Resources

For the period of measures to prevent coronavirus, SUM students and teachers will have free access to scientific and educational resources. All information about these resources is constantly updated and published on the website of the Scientific Library.

Access to e-library systems: Lan, Urait and iBooks.ru and all resources on eLIBRARY.RU to which the State University of Management is subscribed.

The scientific library provides 24/7 remote access to subscribed electronic resources. SUM students and teachers are provided with individual unlimited access to electronic versions of the most popular textbooks, manuals, journals and other educational and scientific literature for information support of the educational process and research. Users can access e-library systems, including University Library Online, ZNANIUM.com and IPRbooks. If you are not registered in the e-library systems, you need to complete remote registration (oa_harlamova@guu.ru).

Detailed information on electronic resources, access procedures, usernames and passwords can be found on the Scientific Library website in the Electronic Resources section. The website also contains information on open access resources, scientific journals of the SUM Publishing House and electronic journals.

The electronic catalogue is unified for all types of documents that make up the collection of the Scientific Library. It contains not only information about printed publications but also references to full-text electronic textbooks from e-library systems, information about basic and additional educational literature specified by teachers in the curricula of academic disciplines as obligatory.

The scientific library provides information, reference and bibliographic services to users and publishes annotated lists to help navigate the information flow and quickly explore new publications on such topics as Digital Economy, Artificial Intelligence and Management in Digital Economy. Files are promptly sent via SUM corporate email and posted on the website of the Scientific Library.

The Scientific Library team creates a comfortable environment for users for self-study and provides skilled assistance in information search.

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 27.03.2020