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Institute of Economics and Finance: keeping busy while remote learning

It’s been almost three weeks since SUM switched to remote working, and the employees of the Institute of Economics and Finance (IEF) have already been sharing their experiences and outcomes of the process. 

All the Institute’s meetings and events are now held online using digital technologies. This week the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Pressing Issues in Accounting, Analysis, Control and Taxation’ was held and broadcast on Twitch, and two round table discussions on accounting took place on Zoom.

Professors continue to edit staff training materials for the Regional Competence Centres of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises. They will begin on-site training immediately once the self-isolation period is over. At the same time, professors from the Statistics Department are involved in the implementation of a research project by SUM and the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on methodological support and implementation of the first digital Russian census. 

Yevgeniy Orlov, postgraduate student in the Accounting and Tax Management Department, along with his supervisor Professor Tatyana Rogulenko is continuing his research on ‘The Evolution of the Management Accounting System at Various Stages of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering’ under a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Professor Nikolay Kuznetsov, member of an inter-university research team, published his research results regarding the energy policies of OESF and BRICS countries in terms of government support for natural gas production in a prestigious international journal dedicated to sustainable development and entrepreneurship.

Galina Sorokina, Doctor of Economics, Director of the Institute of Economics and Finance, served as the expert group coordinator of the ‘My Country – My Russia’ contest. She also took part in an online meeting of the Expert Council alongside Liliya Gumerova, Chairman of the Expert Council of the contest and Chairman of the Science, Education and Culture Committee at the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Lyubov Dukhanina, Chairman of the Russian Society ‘Znaniye’ (Knowledge) and Deputy Chairman of the Education and Science Committee of the State Duma, Yuriy Zinchenko, President of the Russian Academy of Education, Aleksey Komissarov, General Director of the autonomous non-profit organisation Rossiya – strana vozmozhnostey (Russia – Country of Opportunity), Larisa Pastukhova, contest coordinator and Prorector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, and many others.

And that’s just the start of the busy schedule. For example, next week IEF will present master classes for students of the ‘Taxes and Taxation’ and ‘Accounting, Analysis and Audit’ programmes courtesy of KPMG, one of the largest Big Four auditing and consulting firms. Who said that life slows down during quarantine? Today SUM is busier than ever!

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