Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/Join the Multinational Victory interactive project
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Join the Multinational Victory interactive project

The Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of Moscow, partner of the Moscow state institution Mosvolunteer, invites everyone to take part in the large-scale interactive project ‘Multinational Victory’ to be held from 16 March to 29 April.

The event will include a marathon and a photo contest.

As part of the marathon, participants will post a wartime photo from their family albums on their social media accounts with the hashtags #марафонпобеды75; #вспомнимвсехпоименно; #многонациональнаяпобеда, with a story of the person/event captured on it.
Those with the highest number of views, likes and reposts will be rewarded at the final event of the project.

To participate, please send an email to pomnimpobedu@mail.ru by 10 April with a wartime photo from your family album and a story about veterans of different nationalities, inter-ethnic combat brotherhood, friendship and mutual assistance and other details (see Information about the project).
All photos and stories will be handed over to the Road of Memory multimedia museum complex for eternal storage. 75 stories will be included in the Almanac, and the authors will be invited to the final event. All participants will receive certificates.

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