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WhatsApp Image 2020 07 10 at 12.01.31

Meeting with applicants

On July 09, the Department of external relations and promotion of the University in the international scientific educational space of the State University of Management held a meeting with foreign applicants.

Director of the Institute of personnel management, social and business communications, doctor of Economics, Professor Alexey Chudnovsky presented the master’s program “International business Management”. Vadim A. Zhukov, associate Professor of the Department of management in international business and tourism industry, Ph. D. in Economics, answered the students ‘ questions. The meeting was attended by foreign citizens interested in applying for the international master’s program of the State University of Management. This is the first program of the planned cycle to be taught in a foreign language (English) at GUU.

During the meeting, applicants received answers to all their questions.

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 10.07.2020