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#MyVmeste in Russia

On 21 March, as a part of the #MyVmeste (We Are Together) campaign, a special website opened for individuals and organisations seeking to help others during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Anyone can offer their help, become a volunteer and find useful information at мывместе2020.рф. Large companies are already setting up hotlines, offering legal advice and providing access to free services for remote work and online training. Our society has developed a culture of good deeds that helps with real projects today. This includes joint efforts and new opportunities that have opened up in spite of the epidemic.

The website мывместе2020.рф contains all the information you need in one place, categorised into thematic sections with details on how and where to use the described services.

In the Offer Help section, organisations can post information on the resources they are willing to share, such as products, facilities, services etc. Anyone can join the volunteer community (Become a Volunteer button) and find out how they can provide targeted support to those who need it most in the current situation. The website also collects positive news about good initiatives and tangible actions.

Earlier, the All-Russia People’s Front together with the All-Russia Public Movement of Medical Volunteers and the Association of Volunteer Centres announced the launch of volunteer headquarters to help the elderly and lonely with household chores, such as buying food and medicine and taking out the rubbish.

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 23.03.2020