Официальный сайт ГУУ/News/‘N N Moiseyev on Russia in the 21st Century: Global Challenges, Risks and Solutions’, 28th Moiseyev Scientific Readings, Research-to-Practice Conference, 2–6 March 2020
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‘N N Moiseyev on Russia in the 21st Century: Global Challenges, Risks and Solutions’, 28th Moiseyev Scientific Readings, Research-to-Practice Conference, 2–6 March 2020

On 29 February 2020 the scientific community commemorates 20 years since the death of the outstanding Soviet/Russian scientist, philosopher and academician N N Moiseyev.

The RAS Commission for the Study of the Scientific Heritage of Academician N N Moiseyev, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of Global Processes), International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences (IIEPU), Dorodnitsyn Computing Centre of the RAS,  Federal Research Centre Informatics and Management of the RAS together with the Russian Academy of Education, State University of Management, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,  Moscow State University of Food Production as well as international partners, including Sakharov International State Ecological Institute, Belarus State University, Yeltsin Kyrgyz–Russian Slavic University, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and other scientific and educational organisations will hold the 28th Moiseyev Readings ‘N N Moiseyev on Russia in the 21st Century: Global Challenges, Risks and Solutions’ on 2–6 March 2020 (the ‘Conference’). Announcement of the 28th Moiseyev Readings on websites: forumras-msu.comfgp.msu.ru.

The conference is a continuation of a scientific discussion of the scientific aspects of global geopolitical changes that started in the Russian Academy of Sciences in June 2019 during the international research-to-practice forum Russia in the 21st Century: Global Challenges, Risks and Solutions (forumras-msu.com).

The Conference invites scientists, professors, graduate students, master’s students and students from universities with a social-humanities, natural sciences and engineering-technical profile.

The conference will be held in the format of extended participation through online video conference (via Skype) covering Moscow, Volgograd, Minsk, Bishkek and Belgrade.

Dear friends!

We invite you to

Workshop 2 ‘Co-evolution of the Human Mind and Artificial Intelligence: Threats, Risks and Positive Trends’ (Workshop), which will be held as part of the Conference at the State University of Management on 4 March 2020.

Chairman of the Workshop Organising Committee: Ivan Lobanov, Rector of the State University of Management.

Moderator of the Workshop session: Yakov Vishnyakov, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of SUM’s Scientific School ‘Risk and Safety Management of Socio-Economic and Socio-Political Systems and Natural and Technological Complexes’, Vice President of the National Technological Chamber (NTC)

Workshop Coordinator: Svetlana Kiseleva, academician of RANS and RAS, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the State University of Management.

Opening at 10.00 am, registration begins at 9.00 am.

Workshop venue:

99 Ryazanskiy Prospekt, PA-28 lecture hall, State University of Management



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