New Successes for SUM Publishing
Multiple works written by SUM professors and prepared and published by SUM Publishing have been awarded diplomas at the 6th All-Russian Innovation Public Competition of Textbooks, Learning Guides and Monographs in the Best Textbook (Learning Guide) for Universities and Postgraduate Education category (the competition is organised by the Federal Technical Regulation and Metrology Agency):
- Innovative Entrepreneurship learning guide by Viktoriya Degtyaryova.
- Effective Industrial Enterprise Management learning guide by Yelena Panfilova.
The organisers of the competition have sent a letter of appreciation to the SUM team for their active participation in the 6th All-Russian Innovative Public Competition of Textbooks, Learning Guides and Monographs.
Additionally, Viktoriya Degtyaryova’s work Innovative Entrepreneurship also took 2nd place at the 4th International Competition of University Professors (under Federal State Educational Standards requirements) ‘The Development of Competencies in Vocational Training 2019’.
A description of the compilation of scientific articles of the 5th International Scientific Conference ‘Institutional Economics: Development, Teaching, Applications’ published by SUM Publishing has been included by the Federal Technical Regulation and Metrology Agency as an example in the new standards of information, libraries and publishing.
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