Официальный сайт ГУУ/News/On 13 March 2020 the Analytical Centre for the Government of the Russian Federation to hold the International Research-to-Practice Conference ‘Neuro Project Management’
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On 13 March 2020 the Analytical Centre for the Government of the Russian Federation to hold the International Research-to-Practice Conference ‘Neuro Project Management’

The event is organised by the Project Management Department (State University of Management).

The International Research-to-Practice Conference ‘Neuro Project Management’ is the first scientific event in Russia and the world to lay the foundation for the study of management as a separate area of neuroscience.

The event is held with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and with information support from the Analytical Centre for the Government of the Russian Federation.


International Research-to-Practice Conference ‘Neuro Project Management’

Workshop 1: Neurotechnologies in project and programme management in the real sector of the economy of various countries

Date: 11 March 2020

Venue: The State University of Management (99 Ryazanskiy Prospekt, Moscow)

Language: English, Russian

The workshop will feature foreign and Russian speakers who will present their reports on the latest developments in digital technologies and artificial intelligence as well as on the experience of their application in the work of managers involved in the development and implementation of major projects and programmes.

Issues to be discussed:

– Neuro Project Management as a new scientific theory in project and programme management

– Digitalisation and artificial intelligence technologies in the development and management of national projects and programmes

– Practical achievements and efficiency of the application of neuroscience in management decision-making in companies in China, Russia and Europe

Workshop 2: Youthful thinking as a driver of contemporary science

Date: 12 March 2020

Venue: The State University of Management (99 Ryazanskiy Prospekt, Moscow)

Language: English, Russian

The head and members of the Young Crew and the Association of Youth Governments of Russia will present their vision of the development of basic concepts of management and economics. They will also arrange networking with all conference participants and discuss the results obtained.

Issues to be discussed:

– Technologies and forms of team interaction in stressful situations

– Specifics and the need to involve teams of young people in developing concept projects

– Improving the efficiency of project work

Workshop 3: New professional competencies of present-day project managers and business leaders

Date: 13 March 2020

Venue: Analytical Centre for the Government of the Russian Federation (12 Prospekt Akademika Sakharova, Moscow)

Language: English

Scientists from different countries, internationally certified project managers, representatives from ministries and agencies will present their reports on new professional competencies and the new type of thinking that a modern-day manager should have in the digital age.

Key event participants:

Leading practitioners and certified specialists from major scientific institutions in Russia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Armenia, representing such scientific fields as medicine, neuroeconomics, management as well as representatives from government and municipal authorities, management and members of the Young Crew Russia Youth Project Management Association.

Key speakers and presentations:

–  Yekaterina Khalimon (PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the SUM Department of Project Management, Level C IPMA, Young Crew IPMA member, member of the New Economic Association, head of the Local Group of the Youth Association for Project Management based at SUM, member of the Council for the Development of Professional Project Management at Higher Educational and Scientific Organisations)

Neuro Project Management: New Philosophy and Scientific Direction

– Vladimir Obradović (IPMA Serbia President, Professor, DSc,  University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Management, Serbia)

Mapping the Competences for Neuro Project Manager

– Svetlana Apenko (DSc in Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Innovation and Project Management of the Dostoyevskiy Omsk State University) and Kseniya Klepneva (PhD in Management, HR Director for CIS countries and Russia, LLC Zoetis

Professional Competencies of the Manager and Participants of Flexible Project Teams

– Mariya Sitnikova (Head of Research and Project Centre for Cognitive Neurosciences and Neurotechnologies of BelSU)

Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique in Educational and Cognitive Neuroscience: Recent Advances, Future Perspectives and Potential Pitfalls

– Gevorg Margarov (PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Information Security and Software of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia (Armenia)

Social Networks: Security and Reliability of Information

– Veniamin Kizeyev (Director of Investment and Management Group WIN Corp, Expert in Project and Innovation Management at WIN Business Solutions, Member of the Board of the Project Management Association SOVNET, Level B IPMA, Member of the Council for Development of Professional Project Management at Higher Educational and Scientific Organisations)

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