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Research of young IEF scientists in the context of economic effects

In the near future, young scientists of the State University of Management will defend their theses at their respective IEF departments. For three years, they conducted research, made presentations at scientific conferences, and wrote and published academic papers. 

This year, ten postgraduate students will complete their studies in various departments of the Institute of Economics and Finance. On the eve of defending their theses for the academic degree of candidate of sciences, the Institute of Economics and Finance held an online meeting with the director of the Institute, the postgraduate students and their thesis supervisors. The meeting discussed organisational issues in preparing for defending their theses and scientific problems in the context of their research.

During the course of their research, some studies became even more relevant and necessary. This is related to the economic and social effects of the coronavirus pandemic. For example, Mohammad Mahdi Rahimian, a postgraduate student from Iran, is preparing his thesis on ‘Building Bilateral Monetary and Credit Relations: the Relationship Between Russia and Iran’. His findings will provide the basis for an international application to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, which is currently being prepared by SUM together with scientists in Iran.

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