Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/Results of elections to Student Councils of SUM institutions published
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Results of elections to Student Councils of SUM institutions published

The State University of Management has announced the results of the first stage of elections to the Student Council. This year elections were held at the Institute of Information Systems, the Institute of Economics and Finance and the Institute of State Management and Law.

Based on the results of voting, the following compositions of student councils were formed:

IIS: 20 persons

IEF: 291 people

ISML: 196 people

During the next stage of the campaign, the candidates standing for chairman in the Student Councils will defend their projects for development. On 18–24 March, ‘Day with a Candidate’ and ‘Day of Q&A’ meetings will be held to find out more about the election policies. 

More detailed information about the elections can be found in the election headquarters groups.




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