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WhatsApp Image 2020 04 14 at 14.03.21

Self-isolation poses no problem to conferences

The number of activities at the State University of Management has increased during the self-isolation and remote working period. This applies not only to the educational process but also to social and scientific activities.

Preparations are underway at the Institute of State Management and Law for the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘The Role of Local Self-Government in the Development of the State at the Current Stage’, which will be held on 23–24 April 2020. Attendees of the conference, including lecturers and staff from the Institute’s departments, as well as partners of the conference (including the Russian Municipal Forum, the Russian Municipal Academy, the Union of Small Cities of Russia, the Centre for Municipal Economics, MSUINFORM (МСУИНФОРМ.РФ), the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and others) all gathered in a virtual conference room to discuss pressing tasks regarding preparations for the event.

‘It’s very important that we hold the conference now, at such a difficult moment for the country and for the whole world. A university with the name and potential of SUM should continue to run the events it has planned, regardless of any issues. Our conference will take place at the designated time and at the highest level,’ said Vladimir Zotov, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Co-Chairman of the Presidium of the Conference.

Despite time limitations, the meeting was conducted in a very positive atmosphere. It ended up being very productive and made it possible to identify and formulate further steps to organise preparations for the conference.

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