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SUM held a master class on Financial Support for Projects

On 4 March the Department of State and Municipal Administration lead a master class on  Financial Support for Projects. The event was attended by senior students of the bachelor’s degree programme in Urban Management.

During the master class Dmitriy Mavzolevskiy, an expert on construction, operation and management of real estate, spoke about budget planning, financial management and project control. He also mentioned examples of successful business cases in the field of construction and public utilities.

 ‘I was honoured to speak to the 3rd- and 4th-year students of the SUM Department of State and Municipal Administration, and I hope that practical analysis of cases with typical scenarios “where something went wrong” will help young professionals in their future work’,

­said Dmitriy Mavzolevskiy.

Commenting on the event, Irina Milkina, Deputy Head of the SUM Department of State and Municipal Management, said,

‘Such activities and master classes have proven to be greatly effective. We are planning to expand and deepen our cooperation with leading experts in a wide range of areas of urban economy, urbanism and state and municipal administration’.

Following the meeting Dmitriy Mavzolevskiy agreed to act as a consultant and mentor to students of the SUM Department of State and Municipal Management in their project activities.

Background information:

Dmitriy Mavzolevskiy is an expert in construction, operation and management of real estate. He is a winner of the All-Russian Project Management Award in the Construction and Management of Real Estate Nomination and Best Director of the Year of Russia in the Improvement and Comfort category. He has extensive experience in implementing global infrastructure projects, including high-level international projects (22nd Winter Olympics in Sochi).

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