SUM is developing a career guidance method for school students using VR
Students will encounter situations specific to certain professions during a virtual reality session. Having processed the information, the system will prompt the student and their parents on the areas where their skills will be most in demand.
Researchers from the State University of Management are developing a new career guidance method for students based on an assessment of teenagers’ reactions to situations created using virtual reality (VR) technologies, SUM Rector Ivan Lobanov told TASS on Thursday.
Students will encounter situations specific to certain professions during a virtual reality session. The system will assess the student’s response rate and emotions as well as their brain performance. This data will be recorded and transmitted to the computer by special sensors. Having processed the information using mathematical algorithms, the system will prompt the student and their parents on the areas where their skills will be most in demand.
On the one hand, this career guidance method using VR allows a school student to be put into real situations that may arise in companies and industries, and this experience could be a turning point for the student in their choice of future profession. On the other hand, neuro-technologies and artificial intelligence enable researchers today to process data on a person’s responses to certain actions and events that they themselves are unable to understand and interpret. As far as career guidance is concerned, this information enables the identification of a young person’s weaknesses and strengths in the context of specific professions. This will make it possible to adjust the course of professional training long before the first working day at a production site or an office,
said Lobanov.
He also explained that such strengths and weaknesses may include the very nature of a physical reaction to noise, stress or an unexpected call: one employee may feel comfortable in such conditions, while another will soon decide to quit and change their profession. It is expected that the first virtual career guidance simulators for school students will appear in the fields of training administrators, managers and engineers.
Most importantly, the system will also help assess the solution of the task that the simulator programme sets for the student. A student who quickly finds a non-standard solution during virtual negotiations or equipment design is more likely to realise their potential in these areas,
according to the rector.
During the first phase of the study, which will begin in 2020, researchers will determine the number of sensors and a list of parameters to ensure the maximum accuracy of forecasts made by the data processing system. It is expected that school students participating in Digital Holidays, a joint educational project of SUM and the Moscow Government, will be invited to test the future system.
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