Календарь событий
Основной логоФон 2 e1583173909681

SUM: Management and Digital at a Distance

In view of the current epidemiological situation and in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 206 dated 25 March 2020 ‘On the Announcement of Non-working Days in the Russian Federation’ and the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow on Additional Restrictive Measures dated 29 March 2020, employees of the Centre for Digital Management Technology of the Institute of Information Systems of the State University of Management have switched to remote work. However, in compliance with the goals set by the Rector of the University Ivan Lobanov for the educational staff of the University, work on the Centre’s current and future projects continues uninterrupted; all business processes run smoothly, in remote mode, through digital means of communication, online meetings and daily exchange of the latest information.

Work is continuing on research successfully completed by the Centre for Digital Management Technology of the Institute of Information Systems of the State University of Management for the benefit of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Federal Autonomous Institution Russian Road Research Institute on the topic of the Development of the Concept for the creation of a test site for unmanned vehicle – road infrastructure interaction technologies, taking into account security threats for smart transport systems and unmanned vehicles. Development of a system project for the creation of a polygon in terms of ensuring information security of unmanned movement. The Centre’s experts have started preliminary work on developing draft national standards, ‘Smart Transport Systems. Information Security. Terminology’ and ‘Smart Transport Systems. Information Security. Reliability of Data Exchange between Infrastructure and Vehicle’.

The designed standards shall form the basis of the overall information security structure for the future of unmanned vehicles in the Russian Federation. They are also intended to define the terminology of information security and protection of critical information infrastructure in the context of their use for smart transport systems for the benefit of all stakeholders and determine the requirements for an interface for safe information interaction of the technological platform ‘highly automated vehicles — smart road infrastructure’.

The management and employees of the Centre for Digital Management Technology of the Institute of Information Systems of the State University of Management sincerely hope that the measures taken in the country, city and university will significantly help reduce the duration of the self-isolation regime and effectively use new tools in the scientific activities of the University.

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 2.04.2020