Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/SUM student Mahamadou Amadou Bare, ‘I am proud to have been chosen to represent both my country and Russia as a volunteer’
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SUM student Mahamadou Amadou Bare, ‘I am proud to have been chosen to represent both my country and Russia as a volunteer’

Mahamadou Amadou Bare, a student of the State University of Management, received an official message of thanks from Roscongress for his representation at the ­Russia-Africa Summit and Economic Forum.

The Russia–Africa Summit and Economic Forum took place on 24 October 2019. The event gathered heads of African states, representatives from African, Russian, international business and government structures as well as representatives from integration associations of the African continent.

The summit was a strategically important step towards creating the most favourable conditions for the development of trade and economic relations between the Russian Federation and African countries and also helped diversify the forms and directions of Russian–African cooperation.

Mahamadou Amadou Bare, a graduate student of SUM’s IEF, spoke at the forum as a volunteer and representative of the Republic of Niger. Following the qualifying rounds, Amadou had the opportunity to participate in a large-scale international event. Preparation for the trip took some time, and he had to complete training workshops as a volunteer. In early March his accomplishments were acknowledged by official gratitude signed by Director of Roscongress Foundation Aleksandr Stuglev.

‘It is a great honour for me. I feel like a good will ambassador. I am proud to have been chosen to represent both my country and Russia as a volunteer. A few days spent at the forum in Sochi overturned many of my perceptions about politics, which I was able to see with my own eyes, the mechanisms of cooperation and Russia’s role in geopolitics’, said Amadou Bare.

The Embassy of the Republic of Niger in Moscow and the Department of Russian Language and General Disciplines of SUM took part in preparing the student for volunteering during the forum.

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