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SUM to develop a digital twin of the university to predict the efficiency of educational programmes

The developed system is also expected to enable SUM management to review the university’s economic activities.

Researchers from the State University of Management (SUM) will develop a system based on data management technologies to predict the efficiency of newly developed and existing educational programmes and optimise the use of resources, SUM Rector Ivan Lobanov told TASS on Tuesday.

The system being developed in SUM is based on in-depth analysis of big data generated by the university. This information is highly diverse, ranging from the amount of power consumed in classrooms at a particular time of day to the level of occupancy of a particular teacher and student at the moment, a year ago or in the next semester. The proper processing of such data provides not only an estimate but also long- and short-term forecasts to assist the university head and department heads to make decisions aimed at maximising the effectiveness of a particular process. This system is basically a digital model of the university, its double for simulation and correction of processes,

said Lobanov.

The developed system is expected to enable SUM management to review the university’s economic activities. For example, determining empty classrooms with lights on at night will help optimise energy costs and redistribute the savings to the development of the university. Big data analysis will also make it possible to assemble specialists and resources to create new educational programmes and to forecast their demand and effectiveness.

Data and expert forecasts regarding the demand for specific specialists on the labour market, information on the development of educational technologies in specific areas, data on the career success of SUM graduates, the results of surveys on study motivation and choice of profession will help the university assess the potential of an educational programme before its implementation and adjust the current educational directions,

said the rector.

SUM researchers will start testing the underlying mathematical model in 2020.


Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 27.11.2019