SUM’s ‘E-Management’ and ‘Digital Sociology’ Journals Indexed in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
The full texts of articles published in the State University of Management’s E-Management and Digital Sociology academic journals are now indexed in the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (Ulrichsweb) is a major international database, and its inclusion of Russian journalists is a welcome development. The Directory is generated and maintained by Serials Solution, a member of the ProQuest family of publishing companies.
Ulrichsweb is the main source of data for a broad spectrum of information services and libraries interested in obtaining more complete information on the global flow of journals and managing the acquisition of such publications within their organisations.
Experts also use information from the database when journals apply to the Scopus and Web of Science citation indexes. As well as clarifying information absent from the applications, they also consider whether or not the journal is registered in Ulrichsweb. The inclusion of all journals in this database is considered the norm for foreign publishers.
Indexing the E-Management and Digital Sociology journals in Ulrichsweb will expand their audience and increase citations of our authors.
We invite everyone interested to publish their articles in
E-Management and Digital Sociology.