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WhatsApp Image 2020 04 06 at 08.50.17

Weekly Digest for 30 March–3 April 2020

Distance Learning to Resume on 6 April
 As of Monday 6 April all universities are advised to resume distance learning. Students and teachers are advised to observe the self-isolation regime and encourage others to minimise social contact. We have published some information on our site regarding what can and can’t be done during the self-isolation period.

The State University of Management at a Distance
The Parliamentary Newspaper has released an article about the activities of the State Management University during the distance-learning period. In the article Alla Kanke, Director of the Higher Business School of the State University of Management, talks about the transition to remote work, the quality of distance education and the trends that facilitated the transition.

Year of Memory and Glory! Memorial March to be Held Online
As part of the Year of Memory and Glory, the State University of Management is launching a new challenge with the hashtag #ИсторияСемьиИсторияСтраны. Its primary purpose is to share stories from the families of WWII heroes. Each story will be included in a memorial book published by the State University of Management in memory of this dark time in history.

#Решаем2020: National League of Student Clubs to Introduce Young People to Constitutional Amendments
On 3 April Moscow was home to the third webinar for young students as part of the #Решаем2020 all-Russia civil youth campaign. The webinars will be held for all federal districts in the country.

VPN 2020: Rosstat’s Project Office at SUM Continues its Work
The preparation stage for the 2020 Russian Census is an essential part of such a large-scale event. Yesterday, SUM’s Project Office held two online meetings with representatives from PJSC VimpelCom (Beeline), Rosstat and Cros. They discussed the future cooperation agreement between Beeline and Rosstat for the preparation and administering of the 2020 Russian Census. Similar online meetings with PJSC MTS and Megafon are to be held soon.

Call for Applications for the New Season of the SUM Project Office Accelerator
 The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has tasked higher education institutions with developing students’ professional competencies through project activities and is allowing them to submit theses and qualification papers in the form of a start-up or a socially significant project. SUM has created its own accelerator programme, with candidate selection running until 10 April. 

SUM’s Academic Journals Present New Interesting Research
 SUM researchers continue their publication work in cooperation with scientists from Russian and foreign higher educational institutions. The editorial board of academic journals has collected the most interesting research findings in various fields.

Oasis Achievement Club Opens at SUM
 The State University of Management has set up a new student club aimed at fostering high achievement among students. 

The election campaign for the student councils of SUM institutes was held on the Polys online platform.

SUM Esports Team to Meet MRSU Online

UNESCO Chair Holds Digital Briefing

Who to Call When You Feel Anxious: Free Mental Health Helplines during the Pandemic.

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 6.04.2020
Distance Learning to Resume on 6 April
 As of Monday 6 April all universities are advised to resume distance learning....

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