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Rules of entry to the Russian Federation for foreign students of SUM

In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.03.2021 No. 639-r, foreign students are allowed to enter Russia to continue their studies.

This right can be used by foreign citizens from countries with a safe epidemiological situation.

At least 10 days before arriving in Russia, foreign students must notify the State Educational Institution by e-mail — admission@guu.ru in accordance with the attached form.

3 calendar days before arrival in the Russian Federation, the student must take a test for CОVID-19 by PCR. If the result is negative, you must obtain a corresponding document in your country in Russian or English.

Within 72 hours from the moment of entry into the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign students must pass a second PCR test.


Before receiving the test results, it is necessary to observe the self-isolation regime at the place of residence. The passage to the territory of the SUM will be closed. During the period of self-isolation, training takes place in an online format.

If during the period of self-isolation, foreign citizens who have arrived have the first symptoms of the disease, such as fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, then immediately call a doctor at the number «112» and report it to the SUM.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us by phone +7(495)377-77-88, ext. 25-70 or by e-mail — admission@guu.ru.

Rules of passage to the territory of the SUM

For foreign citizens arriving in the SUM from countries with a safe epidemiological situation, access to the territory of the SUM will be possible only if there is a certificate of absence of COVID-19 and a certificate of passing fluorography in the Moscow City SPCBT of the Department of Health of Moscow for the Southern Administrative District (Moscow, 8-Tekstilshchikov str., 2).

If you have any questions about providing certificates for entering the territory, please contact Elena Voronkina, a leading specialist in labor protection, e-mail – ee_voronkina@guu.ru, tel. 8-906-776-46-69.

Check in to the dormitory is possible if you have the following documents:

  1. Signed accommodation agreement with confirmation of payment made;
  2. Certificate 086 — issued by the State Medical Institution of Moscow «Diagnostic Center No. 3» (Moscow, Sormovskaya str., 3) or the State Medical Institution «Moscow City NPTSBT» of the Department of Health of Moscow for the Southern Administrative District (Moscow, 8-Tekstilshchikov str., 2);
  3. HIV certificate/AIDS;
  4. A document confirming the presence of a measles vaccination.

For questions of settlement, please contact the acting director of the student campus Antonina Zhikulina, e-mail – ai_zhikulina@guu.ru, tel. 8-906-085-17-15.


Access to the territory of the university for registration of documents and accommodation in the hostel is carried out only on working days from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 16.00.

Form for notification of border crossing for the purpose of studying at the State University of Management

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 19.04.2021