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A project by students from the SUM Institute of Marketing won a prize at the international Eventiada IPRA Golden World Awards

A project by a team of students from the SUM Institute of Marketing won a prize at the international Eventiada IPRA Golden World Awards in the category ‘Best Social Media Campaigns’.  

Eventiada IPRA Golden World Awards recognises communication leaders in Eastern Europe and Central Asia every year. This year’s competition projects were presented by participants from 13 countries.

It is a great challenge for a student project to get on the short list and win one of the prizes. We are delighted that our projects have been highly praised by a professional international jury for many years now. This proves the high level of student training at SUM,

said Aleksandra Timokhovich, associate professor of SUM’s Advertising and Public Relations Department, project manager.

The project created by Institute of Marketing students called ‘RE: TEAM’ is designed to draw attention to the importance of separate waste collection. Its communication part was launched on Instagram to advise young people on how to separate waste, learn new environmentally friendly practices and change their future.

We wanted not only to raise young people’s awareness of environmental issues and the need for separate waste collection but also to encourage them to change their lifestyles. We used a game-based outreach approach to convince young people that separating waste is important for their future lives, affordable and, ultimately, not difficult,

said Yuliya Androsova, SUM student, project participant.

The project was performed by a team of year 4 students from the Advertising and Public Relations Department: Yuliya Androsova, Yekaterina Burmasheva, Aleksandra Kosolapova, Olga Ryadovikova and Irina Cheshuina. The project supervisor was Aleksandra Timokhovich, Associate Professor of the Advertising and Public Relations Department of SUM.

As we started to look for ideas, the first thing we thought of was an environmental issue, the enormous amounts of hard-to-recycle waste. First, we conducted research on how this problem is being addressed in other countries. Then, we prepared motivational texts. Using our own examples, we showed where to start, how to separate waste, how to save and be more environmentally friendly,

said Aleksandra Kosolapova.

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