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Annual International Forum ‘Society. Trust. Risks’

On 28 October, the State University of Management will hold the annual International Forum ‘Society. Trust. Risks’ at its Business Centre.

The forum will focus on supporting the international research activities of university teachers, as well as the development and justification of practical mechanisms to effectively regulate the issues discussed.

The agenda includes a plenary meeting and a series of round tables:

  • Pandemics and their impact – how will the coronavirus outbreak affect migration globally and in Russia?
  • Transport in times of state self-isolation: status, issues, prospects
  • Society, innovation, contemporary law
  • Global risks and social recovery
  • Coronavirus and its influence on new trends in the economies and politics of certain countries
  • Responsible production and consumption – sustainable development
  • From a civilization of consumption to a civilization of risk and knowledge. The ecological imperative of the patriotic education of 21st-century Russians
  • Public awareness of the victorious nation
  • Developmental risks of the Russian pension system

Following the Forum, the most interesting materials will be published in the Upravlenie research magazine, a peer-reviewed scientific journal listed by the Russian Higher Attestation Commission, the citation databases of the Russian Science Citation Index, as well as Google Scholar, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Cyberleninka , and EDSCO.

Applications may be submitted to aa_panina@guu.ru by 28.09.2020.

For more information, contact us at 8-495-377-77-88 (ext.14-01) or download the information letter here.

Подпишись на тг-канал "Наш ГУУ"https://t.me/GUUmsk Дата публикации: 24.09.2020