Официальный сайт ГУУ/News/Call for Applications for the President of the Russian Federation Grant Competition for Scientific Schools
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Call for Applications for the President of the Russian Federation Grant Competition for Scientific Schools

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, together with the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for the State Support of Young Russian Scientists and of Leading Scientific Schools of the Russian Federation, announce the 2020 Competitions for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation.

We invite research groups from the State University of Management to take part in the competitions for the grants of the President of the Russian Federation for the state support of Russia’s leading scientific schools. In 2020, the programme will provide support for the scientific schools whose head is not older than 50 years as of 1 January 2020 and has trained at least three candidates and/or doctors of sciences (as certified by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles) in the period 2015–2019.

A leading scientific school of the Russian Federation is an established team of researchers of various age groups and scientific skills, linked through their individual research in general scientific fields and united through their joint research activity, whose leaders regularly train candidates and doctors of sciences, thus forming research groups that ensure the development and growing efficiency of Russian science.

The grant for a leading scientific school is RUB 2,622,000.

The competition is open to Russian research and educational organisations as well as organisations developing scientific and technical products (with the exception of public institutions), which have labour relations with team members of leading scientific schools.

The grants are awarded for a two-year period to cover the costs of basic and applied scientific research aimed at solving specific problems within the areas defined in the Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Russian Federation.

The competition is open to applications in the following research areas: mathematics and mechanics; physics and astronomy; chemistry, new materials and chemical technologies; life sciences; Earth sciences, ecology and environmental management; social sciences and humanities; medicine; technical and engineering sciences; information and telecommunication systems and technologies; agricultural sciences.

The proportion of funds allocated for the material support of team members of a leading scientific school is determined by agreement between the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the organisation to which the grant funds are transferred, and cannot exceed 50% of the total grant amount. Moreover, at least 50% of the funds spent on the aforementioned material support should be awarded to the leading scientific school’s young scientists and specialists (up to 35 years of age).

Preliminary applications for the competition, along with an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department or the institute’s scientific council, should be submitted to the Research Coordination Office for consideration by SUM’s Scientific and Technical Council by 4 p.m. on 25 October 2019.

Contact persons: Irina Malyugina, Deputy Head of the Research Coordination Office, extension 12-73; phone number: +7 (495) 377-64-47.

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