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Cosmonautics Day at SUM

12 April marks Cosmonautics Day. On this day in 1961 Yuri Gagarin kick-started the era of human space exploration. We have prepared a selection of interesting facts and resources to help you learn more about the first human space flight.

Out of the large number of candidates for the first space flight, the two frontrunners were Yuri Gagarin and Gherman Titov. We all know Gagarin ended up being the first man in space, while Titov was the backup pilot. Titov went on to be the second person in space and the first person to make a long space flight (of over a day). He was also the youngest astronaut, being 25 years old at the time of his flight.

Gagarin’s space flight lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes, during which time his ship completed a full orbit of Earth. To commemorate the 55th anniversary of the first flight, Yandex launched a special page where visitors can listen to a full audio recording of the mission transmissions and view the flight trajectory. The page is still available here.

The Museum of Cosmonautics is running a virtual exhibition titled ‘Yuri Gagarin: First Flight into Space’. Visitors of the exhibition will learn about the life of the first astronaut and his first flight into space. The Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics has also launched the #НеВыходиИзКосмоса virtual project in honour of Cosmonautics Day, available to everyone. The project includes open lectures, flash mobs, online quizzes and more.

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