Официальный сайт ГУУ/News/Crystal Orange for SUM Student: Best in PR for Non-Profit Category
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Crystal Orange for SUM Student: Best in PR for Non-Profit Category

On 24 October, Aleksandra Ugodnikova, a student of the Institute of Marketing at the State University of Management, was named winner in the PR for Non-Profit category in the Crystal Orange All-Russian Contest of Student Projects in the field of public relations and media technologies. Aleksandra Timokhovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations, supervised the winning project.   

Aleksandra Ugodnikova’s project, called Purr PR, was dedicated to helping animal shelters. As part of the project, advertising messages were developed for animal shelters, helping them establish links with people who want to adopt animals. Volunteer assistance included the development of free advertising for shelters, allowing them to concentrate their resources on providing decent amenities to animals.

As future advertising and PR specialists, we can help non-profit organisations by leveraging our professional skills! With our help, more fluffy cuties will find new caring owners,

said Aleksandra Ugodnikova, a 4th year student at the Institute of Marketing at the SUM.  

During the course of the Crystal Orange competition, now one of the largest communication platforms, our students improve their professional PR skills, implement socially significant projects and receive feedback from the expert community,

commented Aleksandra Timohovich, Associate Professor with the Department of Advertising and Public Relations.

The award ceremony took place in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. The competition, now in its 19th edition, is organised by the Russian Public Relations Association and the Crystal Orange Youth Centre for Public Relations Development, with the support of the Commission for the Development of the Information Society, Mass Media and Mass Communications.

According to experts, Crystal Orange is one of the best competitions in the industry of public relations and communications.    

2019 10 25 16 05 51

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