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E-Management and Digital Sociology Rated as Best Academic Periodicals

E-Management and Digital Sociology, two academic journals published at the State University of Management, have won the 5th International Contest of Academic Periodicals ‘University Book 2019’.

Experts praised the high level of editing, technical preparation, reprographic quality and design, as well as interesting content of the academic journals published by the University.

The purpose of the contest is to support teams of authors, promote university publishing projects (ensuring implementation of the third-generation ‘bachelor — master’ learning standard) and university book publishing using the best editing, technology and design practices, share theoretical and practical experience and respond to current issues of academic publishing.

The jury assessed periodicals based on 14 nominations: Best Reference Edition, Best Publishing Project, Best Reprographic Quality, Best Periodical and others.
The editorial staff of both periodicals are looking to cooperate with post-graduate students, candidates and doctors of science willing to publish their articles in E-Management and Digital Sociology.

The rules of submission and formatting are available on the websites of the journals:



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