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Free Crash Course for School Students at SUM

Starting from 19 August, the Project and Study Lab of the SUM – Digital Economics and High Technologies – will invite school students to a free crash course on game development and animation.

During the course, each participant will create a mobile game in just two classes, create a 3D model and complete a quest with HTC VIVE VR glasses.

Students will learn the basics of structured and process-based programming, using the latest integrated tool infrastructure to develop software interactively. This course will boost the students’ interest to careers in digital economics and high technology, demonstrate the practical importance of programming, help form logical and analytical thinking, teach the basics of programming in C#, show how to create mobile apps according to the norms of a programming language.

Classes will be held in lecture halls and online. Attendace is 100% free! Each participant will receive a certificate.

You can apply for the crash course here.

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