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Studying Students’ Media Consumption: Career-Focused 

Analysts at SUM’s Sotslab have analysed students’ media consumption. The online survey was conducted among 1,000 respondents, with the average age being 20.

The study shows that the most popular web resources among students are the social networks VKontakte (61.9%) and Instagram (52.8%). Other popular sources of information include YouTube (41.6%) and Telegram (33.2%).

Students’ preferences vary by gender, with girls spending the most time on VKontakte (58.83%) and Instagram (58.03%) while boys prefer VKontakte (71.66%) and YouTube (51.01%).

Over 80% of respondents check the latest news from their university. 47.8% of students find VKontakte the most accessible source of information. However, 28% of respondents follow news on their university’s official website and Instagram page. Only 11% follow their university’s Telegram channel for the latest news.

In terms of content, students are mostly interested in information regarding career growth (internships and practical training provided by universities, future employment) and the learning process (class schedule, virtual lectures).

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