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Trust in Migration Processes: Risks in Modern Society — International Forum at SUM

The State University of Management invites visitors to the International Forum entitled ‘Society. Trust. Risk. Trust in Migration Processes: Risks in Modern Society’, timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of SUM. The Forum seeks to support international research activities of university professors, as well as to develop and provide the reasoning behind effective tools for managing migration processes.

The relevance of the event stems from the adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). Signed by 150 countries, the agreement aims to improve migration regulation at local, national and global levels, and reduce vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees.

The SUM International Forum, set to take place on 2 October 2019, will bring together public authorities, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading Russian and international experts, PhD’s and doctors of science, and postgraduates studying international law, migration, human population and riskology. Forum participants will discuss the correlation between national and international migration laws, the applicability of best international practices in this field, the current state of Russian migration policy and national policy, and the influence of international labour migration on national economies.

The agenda includes a plenary meeting and a series of round tables:

  1. The current state of Russian national and migration policies: legacy and innovation;
  2. The influence of international labour migration on Russian economic development in a digital age;
  3. International practices in labour migration regulation: factors, trends, risks;
  4. Legal and economic risks of providing migration security in modern-day Russia;
  5. Risks of positive net migration rate;
  6. Migration communications and public health;
  7. Risks of economic development in an era of global competition;
  8. Transport and logistics in migration processes;
  9. Implementing measures that allow international citizens to travel to/from Russia using electronic visas;
  10. Demographic and macroeconomic risks in Russia’s retirement plans.

Following the event, the most interesting materials will be published in the Upravlenie research magazine. It is a peer-reviewed scientific journal listed by the Russian Higher Attestation Commission, citation databases of the Russian Science Citation Index, as well as Google Scholar, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Cyberleninka and EDSCO.

Forum languages: Russian, English. 

Venue: SUM Business Centre (99 Ryazansky Prospekt)

Contact person:

Anna Andreyevna Panina, 8 (495) 377-98-89, aa_panina@guu.ru

Background information:

The State University of Management is a well-established multi-level research and educational complex. It is rightly considered the ‘father’ of Russian management education. SUM is the leading further education institution not only in the discovery of management professionals but in their further professional development for the needs of the Russian economy.  In 2019, SUM celebrates its 100th anniversary: http://100.guu.ru/

The State University of Management is a member of international organisations and associations, such as: The International Association of Universities (IAU), The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), The Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN), The International Federation of East Asian Management Association (IFEAMA), The American Management Association (AMA), The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee), The European Association for International Education (EAIE), The Association of BRICS Business Schools (ABBS).

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