Официальный сайт ГУУ/News/Upwards of 70% of SUM Az Training Centre Graduates Awarded State-Funded Places in Russian Universities
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Upwards of 70% of SUM Az Training Centre Graduates Awarded State-Funded Places in Russian Universities

The Az Training Centre under the State University of Management invites high-school students to join preparatory courses that will help them successfully pass their final school exams and be accepted by higher education institutions.

The SUM Az Training Centre assists high-school students with one of the most important tasks in their life—passing their final exams and entering university. The courses are designed to close any gaps in school education and provide an in-depth study of specific subjects and dedicated exam preparation.

All of the professors are highly qualified specialists. Special textbooks and materials used in the education process are all exclusive and original.

 ‘The Az Training Centre offers a differentiated approach for students with different levels of knowledge. We have a variety of education formats depending on how well the attendees know their school programme, how difficult the specific subjects are and how much time the students are able to dedicate to the training. High-school students can study in regular or small groups, take a mock final school exam that replicates the conditions and requirements of the real examination or join an express training course just before the exam,’ says Marina Gaus, Director of the Az Training Centre.

In 2019, more than 70% of students who completed their training with Az were awarded state-funded places in leading Russian universities, and over half of them have picked the State University of Management as their alma mater.

Visit the Az Training Centre website for more information about the training process and admission requirements.


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