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Vladimir Volokh, ‘We Need to Focus on Organised Recruitment of Foreign Labour’

Professor of the SUM Department of Public Administration and Political Technologies, Honoured Worker of the Federal Migration Service, Doctor of Political Sciences Vladimir Volokh presented a report at the International Online Seminar ‘Labour Migration in the Post-Pandemic Era’.

Vladimir Volokh together with other well-known experts on issues related to the development and implementation of state migration policy discussed the pressing issues of labour migration. They discussed legal support for migrants during the pandemic, authorities’ and public organisations’ participation in solving migrant-related social problems and prospects for labour migration. Participants acknowledged the need for improvements in how migration processes are managed, including the organised recruitment of migrants and increased responsibility of employers. The idea of launching a mobile application for migrants was proposed.

According to Vladimir Volokh, despite all its complexities, the state was able to manage the situation with labour migrants during the period of self-isolation.

‘In my opinion, state authorities have managed to minimise the negative consequences that the pandemic has had on migrants. The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Temporary Measures to Regulate the Legal Status of Foreigners in the Russian Federation Due to the Threat of Coronavirus Infection Proliferation” was prepared and adopted promptly’,

the expert noted.

Russia is gradually lifting restrictions, yet the situation remains challenging. With this in mind, the expert said, we need to focus on the organised recruitment of foreign workers. Under this approach, foreign nationals know exactly where they’re going, under which conditions they will work, and employers will attract exactly the right number of employees they need. As Volokh noted, ‘it is advisable to use private employment agencies that have a wealth of practical experience and can act flexibly and quickly.’

The expert also stressed that the pandemic had revealed weaknesses in migration legislation and that needed to be improved. For example, legislation should be amended to regulate the activities and residency of migrants. ‘The temporary residence permit system has already grown outdated’, believes Vladimir.

Vladimir Volokh also drew attention to the importance of improving international cooperation in the area of labour migration. The CIS Executive Committee and the Eurasian Economic Union should not stand aside; they can provide substantial assistance to migrants and authorities in both source and destination countries. It is important to involve non-governmental and public organisations so they can more actively cooperate with the authorities. Media play an important role in informing and educating citizens.

Complete full footage of the online conference ‘Labour Migration in the Post-Pandemic Era’ is available here.

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